A new look at the comments. Hypercomments.com — comment text

About the project

What is a standard blog or publication? Comments are usually separated from the text and users have to quote fragments of text to comment on them. But if the dispute between the readers tied around certain statements in the article, as often happens in Habra, only what came in the post the reader is difficult to catch this interesting part of the article. How can I make the comments more contextual, interactive, attention-grabbing? I want to share with apachename project, which is developing one of our teams. It will be useful to bloggers, online media, and just sites with a high text content. The project SSO offers a new perspective on comments. Comments can be as fragments of text and individual words, pictures. It allows the author to spice up the article to see the most talked about, hottest parts of the text, make the article content more intense due to the activity of readers.


How to use

  • On site set is very simple: there are plugins for WordPress, Blogger, Joomla and a simple generic script widget of the form
    <div id="hypercomments_widget"></div><script type="text/javascript">
    var _hcp = _hcp || {};
    _hcp.widget_id = xxx;
    _hcp.widget = "Stream";
    (function() { 
    var hcc = document.createElement("script"); hcc.type = "text/javascript"; hcc.async = true;
    hcc.src = ("https:" == document.location.protocol ? "https" : "http")+"://widget.hypercomments.com/apps/js/hc.js";
    var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hcc, s.nextSibling); 

  • the
  • when dblclick on the text or selecting it button comment:

  • the
  • after you create the comment text gets highlighted and becomes clickable:

  • the
  • in comments, you can reply, attach media (pictures, videos, presentations), also has a ranking system reviews

  • the
  • you can like the article via Facebook, Twitter, Google+

  • the
  • you can choose the topic for comments widget

  • the
  • comments are grouped by topic and authors

To see how it works and to play in the sandbox


Extra Goodies

  • allow/disallow commenting out individual classes/id of the elements in the text
    <div id="ID_element">tag Content</div> or <div class="class_name">tag Content</div>
  • the
  • display N first review on the page, the rest fold
  • the
  • install one comments widget on multiple pages and/or a new widget for each page
  • the
  • online tracking comments, as well as the sound notification and a notification via the system tray about new comments
  • the
  • cross-posting to social networks
  • the
  • subscribe to rss
  • the
  • indexing of comments by search engines
  • the
  • import the old comments from the blog or to export the current xml file
  • the
  • moderating comments and managing moderators (there may be several)
  • the
  • black/white list of commenters
  • the
  • Analytics of activity of commentators and effectiveness reviews
  • the
  • multilingual
  • the
  • spam filter
  • the
  • rating of authors
  • the
  • any tariff plan can be used during the 30-day trial period for free.

The project is very new, constantly evolving and acquires new functionality, so there is always something to improve and fix, so look forward to criticism and wishes of the IT community
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru

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