Is there an alternative to search engines

Remember the first day when connected to the Internet. It was the modem, constantly busy phone line, hourly and confusion – where to go and how to look. Getting on interesting page not read, and then kept it, to then quietly read. Disconnecting the first day of the network realized that there is an optimization problem: how to spend a little money, and information to find a lot? The decision came almost immediately purchased "the Internet Yellow pages" and before access to the network preparing, reading and writing addresses of interesting sites. So.

Now it's different. The Internet has long been unlimited, and cheap. But search engines have usurped our right of choice, but we got used to it and meekly submit to this. Search engines think for us, care for us and without any remorse shape our understanding of the structure and the content network. Search engines quietly begin to touch on all the new features. for Example, educational. The students rarely ask the parents who still send them to the Internet. And here lies a lot of dangers. As example, selection the issue of pictures in the "Teacher" generated by the Google. The image of the teacher in the interpretation of the search engines is simply amazing. A student will think that it should be. And it seems there is a struggle with the web masters, leading active work on artificial link exchange. Last updated on recomendaci webmasters are dated the 29th of March.

But here, too, creeps seditious thought: what if this struggle against webmasters-SEO has commercial implications and in their favor? Quote from the above-mentioned guidelines: "Please note that the paid links to the advertiser's site in the systems of a payment for click do not pass PageRank and does not violate our guidelines." Therefore the question arises: is there an alternative search engine?

Here I must say that one of the reasons for the popularity of finding information via search engines is the ease of obtaining information – "in three clicks: 1) start the browser with the starting page of the search engine; 2) enter query and click the search button; 3) choose a site from the list and move on to reading."

The main disadvantage of search engines in terms of online community that they belong to someone. And the alternative can only be to create a structure that is not owned by anyone, but rather belongs to everyone. Global search engine should be something that you can try to Express the following definition: "Relevant peer-to-peer decentralized peer-to-peer structure with privatizirovannykh thematic nodes". Must be created by the algorithm for constructing this structure and nobody has the right to influence his work. The webmaster created a new site joins the system and gets your site on its margins. While the site installs a module with a visible part in the form of a search string. The module is responsible for moving from site to relevant sites with which the website is integrated. In other words: each website has the functions of the search engines. With the increasing credibility of the website and increase its search functionality. But there are some limiting site capacity, calculated on the basis of current network conditions to maintain the system's equilibrium.

Perhaps, these reflections are still enough cheese and should be subjected to fair criticism, and the idea of have to think. But with the increasing globalization of the search space need something to do.
Article based on information from

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