Aloha Editor for MODX Revolution

I want to tell you about a new plugin for MODX Revolution to edit the text (including values of custom fields TV) in the outer part of the site.
Use a Aloha Editor (

The visual editor there are drawbacks, such as the size of the. JS scripts (stuck all that is possible), but it is quite convenient. I know that MODX Revolution is the complement of Frontpage and they even have Aloha Editor (outdated version), but the implementation of integration I really did not like.

Installation and configuration

  1. Install the plugin via "System" - > "Manage packages".
  2. the
  3. go to "Elements" - > "Plugins" - > "aloha_editor" -> Options.
  4. the
  5. Configure options:

    content_fields — a JSON array of fields for editing and selectors of elements in HTML layout.
    {"pagetitle":".title", "content":"#page-content"}
    In this case you can edit the content of an HTML element with the CSS class "title" (title) and the element with ID "page-content" (content resource).

    tv_fields — a JSON array of custom fields (TV) for editing and selectors of elements in HTML layout.
    {"tv3":"#param1", "tv4":"#param2"}
    tv3 is a TV with ID = 3.

    usergroups — user group for which the editor in the external part of the website (or several separated by commas). If not specified, the access are all authenticated in context "mgr" and entitled to "save_document".

If the plugin is not working, check the system event was "OnWebPagePrerender".
The user should be logged in the "mgr" context (admin) and have the right to action "save_document" (Security> access Control> access Policy -> group).

Conflicts with JS libraries should not be included in Aloha Editor.

Be careful, if you have the habit to insert in the content calls the snippets, because this plugin (yet) to save the HTML code as it is output (snippets already calculated). (already solved)


Download can only here, because the file size is quite big and in a repository of MODX there are limitations (you may solve this problem).

Integration made Studio "Simpl Drim".

updated 23.06.2012
Released version 1.0pl1. Made to download the source (an ill) the content of the boxes and the TV when you press the "Enable" button in order to when saving was not erased calls snippets and have not been applied modifiers. Plus other fixes.

updated 11.07.2012
The restriction on file size in a repository of MODX has lowered, now you can set in the admin using the "Manage packages".
Article based on information from

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