My [Credit] Card for Android

Normally when I start developing for a new (to me) platform, the first thing I Partiro one of my applications already developed platforms. But this time, closely having been engaged in Android, I decided to change traditions and to write a completely new application. As experience shows, the application enjoyed himself turn out good...

I have accounts in four banks, which are linked to the 7 credit and debit cards. Don't ask why so much.

Alert Poloniny, write-offs and purchases banks send via SMS. And all anything, but in one of the banks I have 4 cards and all SMS transactions are summarized into a single "thread" in Hangouts. I.e. to check the balance on the card by which the transaction was, say a couple of weeks ago, the message must be manually searched, according to the card number.

Since Android allows third party apps to read SMS Inbox, I started to develop an app which scans your sms/inbox and displays the current balance on all cards.

At first, I implemented recognition of SMS according to the rules for each Bank. Everything worked, but looking at the list of banks in Russia, and imagining the amount of work I decided on a "crazy move": try to write the algorithm for parsing messages from banks.

Oh... what I've seen in the banking SMS:
some banks still believe that the currency in our country RUR
some banks send the last 4, and 6 digits of the card number
— "gifted" banks send transactions on the account, not the card "Deposit account *1234"
— even more "gifted" just send "POSTUPLENIE MEDIA NA SCHET" — no account
very "interesting" to parse the messages in which in addition to the information about the card contains advertising.
— variations in formatting balance — countless

At the moment, the implemented algorithm works quite well. If in the first weeks after release I received daily complaints that some messages are not recognized, after the release of version 1.10 for ten days already, no complaints.

If the message is from your Bank not recognized, please forward it to — all quickly recovered.

For special occasions the mode of "additional recognition", for example, you can associate a message with an account with a particular card (whose numbers, with a probability of 99.99% is not the same).

Some banks (maybe all?) include the credit limit in the available balance. See, for example, "Balance: 20000r.", and in fact, 15000 credit limit and 5000 of their own funds — and constantly need to remember and consider the map which limits. The app allows you to enter this limit, which is automatically subtracted from the displayed balance. If you got the loan, it will display a negative amount just corresponding to the size of the used loan. Very convenient.

The application is absolutely free, no ads, requires no Internet connection (and, of course, will not merges SMS. For this, even Flurry did not integrate).

It is planned to add widget, custom image maps (instead of the logos of Visa / MasterCard), logos of banks, changing the themes, password protection (login).

Google Play: My Cards 256 KB.

PS. Yes, I know there are apps counterparts (though I learned about them after writing his).
PPS. I repeat — this is the first experience of development under Android. Do not judge too harshly.

Use on health.
Article based on information from

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