Pass training for the development of applications for iPhone for the best topic

Today we launched the latest episode FPPP, thus finalizing more than the annual story contests in the framework of the Federal Program of encouragement of Users on habré. Like last time, the sponsor of the episode was the company iProLab, which will give the winner free access to the two-day training "Developing applications for the iPhone and iPod touch".

Conditions of competition: 16:00 10 Aug 2009 we expect to see in the blog "Development under Mac OS X and iPhone" or Apple iPhone posts on the subject of developing applications for the iPhone/iPod touch. The author of the best topic will be determined next Monday at 16:00.

The rules are simple:
— this is conducted in the period from 16:00 03.08.09 at 16:00 10.08.09;
— the award is given to a user whose topic was published during this phase of the competition and at the time of graduation has the highest rating among all the topics published in the blog "Development under Mac OS X and iPhone" ( and "Apple iPhone" ( during this stage of the competition;
— the program involves only normal topics, topics-transfers and podcasts (i.e. not participating topics-references and questions. Even the Internal Voice does not participate!);
— the topic should be independent work of the author (texts, pictures, files from other sites do not participate; allowed to use other people's images only as supporting illustrations);
— the topic must be original, that is first published in the Network (in this subsequent parallel publication in other place is allowed, not only allowed to use texts previously published in their blogs);
— the topic should not be a discussion of Habra, other projects "Thematic Media" and sponsoring companies, their services and products;
in concourse have no right to participate employees of the companies Themed Media and sponsoring companies, their relatives, relatives of their relatives, and also their virtuals :)
— topic should become a leader is fair, i.e. no rounds, rules, cheating, using virtuals hidden and open vulnerabilities is prohibited. We will look;
— if two or more topics by one author, win prizes, only the best topic.
— if topics different authors get the same number of votes, the victory is awarded to the author whose topic was published first.


PS: PPPP closes, but only to give place to more interesting things ;)
Article based on information from

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