Read Habr on the entire width of the browser

Action script:
Adds a button [to] right away ( posts q&a blogs events company [to] )
Clicking on [to] hides the right column and stretches the Central.
Pressing again returns it.
The script works on all pages except*
The functionality of the site is not disturbed.

At least it will be useful for small screens or when the browser width > 730px.

Who needs a script take

just click "take" + click a couple of buttons
— provided installed Adona Greasemonkey see setting like
download the script the link "take".
Put the script in an empty folder and specify the path:
Tools — Quick preferences(F12) — Settings for website — Scripts

Thank you all for the thanks =)!

Upd 1:
Will update the script to v0.3.1
Now Habr stretches and on large screens.

Upd 2:
Will update the script to v0.3.2
Removed all consile.log();

Upd 3:
Will update the script to v0.3.4
Have the opportunity to add your own css styles to the variable hideStyle

Upd 4:
Will update the script to v0.4
Now the script works and the new Habr.

Upd 5:
Will update the script to v0.4.1
Fixed bug in css

Reinstall the script.
Article based on information from

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