What's new?

Propose to gather together all what we have waited for the new version of Habra.
In the end, we collected:
features (and other innovations): more than 50
bugs (and questionable decisions): more than 25

Last update: August 12, all major bugs and features are collected


  • of Course the exterior, repainted most of the icons slightly changed color
  • the
  • Reworked highlighting of new comments on this account are already heated debate
  • the
  • Now, your evaluation of a topic, can not see its rating (remember bashorg, to his the topic, of course, not the case, causes problems in people with negative karma — they can't see evaluation)
  • the
  • On the user page under "Him" ("My" for your profile) are now visible at first only topics (and not topics+comments)
  • of
  • Disappeared "harlista" (abrahante will be improved)
  • the
  • In the user profile: see its place in the ranking, you can write a recommendation
  • the
  • show a notification after sending friendrequest ("friendship")
  • the
  • page Numbering is now from the beginning, not the end.
  • the
  • In the search and tags (when creating a topic) now autocompletion works (a La Google)
  • Gone is the concept of "Abranet" the

  • pop-up picture in prawem upper corner when doing something that is forbidden (red color with a cross)
  • the
  • now you can only "love" or "work" them, "not to love" like it was ...
  • the
  • Images for rating the articles posted — now they are harder to miss and do not vote as going
  • the
  • live now not to be raised above the unnecessary tag clouds
  • the
  • -5 Comments are not hidden (-5 now there's a way to do 1 click of a "strong" user
  • the
  • Instead of logo futureco now TM
  • the
  • After the vote for the comment that you can see him put a plus or a minus.
  • the
  • Shows the number of comments to the post, by reading ("comments (105)")
  • the
  • Changed the design of kartografu (flash) and there was the cloud cities and countries in the section "People". On cartographe now displays additional info on hover)
  • the
  • Text habracut'a now written in parentheses
  • the
  • Block to Show topics in your feed of blogs. A kind of filter which will eliminate or drafts, or topics for friends — by default shows all the topics.
  • the
  • Elements and steel structure "microformations" (who should, he will understand)
  • the
  • Coding Habra — utf-8

  • the appearance and the functionality of the editor-in-Topeka
  • the
  • there was an AutoSave feature in the editor
  • the
  • In the editor has an automatic "tipografiya" good stuff...
  • the
  • New help on HTML tags (opens directly on the spot)
  • the
  • Habr finally ceased to distort the "script" links
  • the
  • 65000 characters in the editor, a personal profile (before 3000)
  • the
  • tag More palatable for video —
  • the
  • Revision of the editor, especially the increase. for beginners click the publish button and the disappearance of the "save" button in favor of AutoSave.
  • the
  • the Parser, in General, became more accurate

the Blogs and topics

    there were "Corporate" blogs (while it's empty, or rather not exactly ;) the

  • you can create a completely closed tops for a certain group of people by sending messages to the internal mail to all these people
  • the
  • Changed links to topics, they are now without any html (although the old way still works, redirects to a new one)

  • Karma (or hybrasil?) became much stronger influence on the evaluation of someone else's karma
  • the
  • also, the power user now affects the rating of comments (added several pros)
  • the
  • the Number of "rounds" (and now "bombs") also strongly uvelichilos, and it depends on karma-the ceiling, the calculation is different. Cartridges for the comments now more than karma
  • the
  • have the opportunity to abstain from voting (poll)
  • the
  • Clearly utensils rollback "karmo-polzovali" now you can raise karma without delay, you can try to me ;)
  • the
  • People with low karma when voting, have almost no influence on the rating

Users & profiles
  • Now when you edit the personal data information we don't need to throw in a pile.
    Have the opportunity to specify the address of the website the user contacts in all sorts of IM services, including Flickr, Del.isio.us and even the favorite Twitter
  • There appeared a separate line indicating the user's interests, which after adding the links become correspondingly easy to find people with common interests the

  • the size of the avatars increased to 10 MB, before the 1-2 MB
  • the
  • Lost archive of vacancies
  • the
  • In chapapote you can write to multiple recipients


  • Problems listening to the podcasts (?)
  • the
  • After closing help for html tags remains a "blank spot" where it used to be (Opera 9.5)
  • the
  • a problem with the declination in topic with vote. "Voted 5 people, abstained 14 people"
  • the
  • In "people" the problems with the display of friends with dumb users
  • the
  • help "Allowed html tags" does not contain the code tags, b, i.
  • the
  • In the top and in search of recent topics are displayed as unrated, even if I had voted. And vote from the search page does not work (error crashes not all needed js files are connected).
  • the
  • Lost icons in the user unit (bomb-fish-airship etc.) etc.
  • the
  • When you insert something big in Topeka(graphics), side widget and a tag cloud slide down, under the button "write"
  • the
  • is Gone label "happy habrachelovek"
  • the
  • If not logged in, not shown the results of the vote, to vote, however, is also impossible — so we have to remain blissfully ignorant
  • the
  • in the vote for the karma Ajax it is rounded to the nearest whole number, although if you refresh, you can see that karma with a decimal
  • the
  • when an Unregistered user attempts to view a summary of gets a 404 error
  • the
  • does Not work "voice Habra" :) there 404
  • the
  • If the date of birth listed only the month and year, before it was displayed — "July 1986", for example. And now — "00-July 1986".
  • the
  • Ctrl-right/left arrow worked to switch pages, and now do not work.

  • will Not work, boot loader images (it does not). All just using the img tag
  • the
  • May not work insert video
  • the
  • tag does Not work the strikeout — he just does nothing
  • the
  • Habr, still eating pieces reviews
  • the
  • is Missing in tag editor when writing a review, although the tags work
  • the
  • Problems with the display of the tag "hh" (abrowser)
  • the
  • Now you can not post the link, not starting with "http" (such as ftp, https)
  • the
  • When writing tags through ampersend & — they, if you re-edit, turn into the usual tags
  • the
  • Convert firs "" prevents the profile to insert any piece of HTML code with attributes...
  • the
  • Two dots after the question mark is converted to a dot — like in the preview, so of sending it, without a preview.
  • the
  • the Dot after the space bar sticks to the previous word — as in preview, so of sending it, without a preview. Example: file.htaccess
  • the
  • review the list of markers
  • the
  • In the input field of the comment after the preview inserted "br"
  • the
  • With negative karma will not save the article to drafts
  • the
  • In the profile field, Skype will not be " - " although Skype name can contain it

  • Problems people have with negative and close to zero karma — they can't see the scores of topics
  • the
  • Link "statistics" at the bottom of the page leads to the wrong address (or not working)
  • the
  • When entering pasvord any long (over six characters) in the password recovery form (when asked to enter twice the new), the form says to me that it would be necessary not to be greedy and enter the password more than six characters.
  • the
  • has Stopped working address of the form "name+habr@gmail.com"
  • the
  • Periodically in the top, there are people with 0 karma and power -0,50, and they are in first place (in the profile they have written something like "-2833-th in the rating habroloma"
  • the
  • In the section "work": select the category in the search (Quick search) does not affect the results, the same is not taken into account the country/region/city filter jobs does not work either. Region (country/state/city) forms is not retained after a search.
  • the
  • Last online 01 Jan 1970 dumb users
  • the
  • Link to profile on LinkedIn profile — not working. Link is on profile on habré.
  • the
  • With a small weight of the voice appear assessment of the "-0"
  • the
  • "saved" topics visible to everyone.
  • the
  • Selected comments "mixed", the bookmark remains, but comments are not the same

  • As before, you can't write a message without becoming a "friend" of the recipient
  • the
  • Lost archive vacancies (bug?)
  • the
  • is Missing the second circle of friends (a bug?)
  • Disappeared "harlista" (bug?) abrahante will be (improved) the

  • In habrahabr.ru/css/main.css there is a link to habrahabr.ru/i/bg-write.png which is not present

Sorry for not indicate the authorship of the "pioneers", just a lot of them :) All the active promise of karma and commendable
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru

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