Zend Framework 2.0.0beta3 Released!

Today released its third beta release. According to the developers in each new release will add new features as long as the product reaches maturity, after which the development will freeze and will release a Release Candidate. It is planned to release new versions every 6 weeks.

List of new features and changes:
  • Refactoring of Config components
  • the
  • All settings have been moved to the namespace Zend\Config\Reader;
  • the
  • were added to Zend\Config\Factory to facilitate the obtaining of an array from the configuration file.
  • the
  • Existing configuration formats now support importing additional configuration files;
  • the
  • All constant processing has been moved to the namespace Zend\Config\Processor.

New layer View
  • New subcomponents include Zend\View\Model, Zend\View\Resolver, Zend\View\Renderer, and Zend\View\Strategy ;
  • the
  • Zend_View Component was moved to Zend\View\Renderer\PhpRenderer, and rewritten to distribute their responsibilities to sub-components for more flexible use;
  • the
  • a New class Zend\View\View that supports selective rendering of templates;
  • the
  • MVC simplifies the use standartnyh components, such as, the creation of a view, error pages, etc.; and

the Rewritten layer DB
New AgileZen component
PHP 5.4 Support
  • Found and fixed all errors with the version of PHP 5.4

The current beta release of affected components such as Zend\GData, Zend\Navigation, Zend\Session, Zend\Service\StrikeIron, Zend\Service\Technorati, Zend\Service\Twitter, Zend\Http\Header\Accept*, Zend\Ldap, Zend\OAuth. Fixed over 200 bugs since the release of the second beta.

Installation packages are available at http://packages.zendframework.com
Article based on information from habrahabr.ru

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