PostgreSQL 9.2 Beginning!

I wanted to create the lovely encompassing manual Getting Start without any water, but including the basic bun for beginners according to the system PostgreSQL on Linux.

PostgreSQL is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) based on POSTGRES, version 4.2, developed at the University of California at Berkeley computer science Department.

PostgreSQL is an open source descendant of original Berkeley code. It supports most of the SQL standard and offers many modern features:

In addition, PostgreSQL can be extended by the user in many ways, for example, by adding new
  • data types
  • the
  • of functions
  • the
  • of operators
  • the
  • aggregate functions
  • the
  • index methods
  • the
  • procedural languages


compilation and installation

Like all fans of mainstream PostgreSQL, we will of course collect, and download the finished package (in the Debian repositories, for example, is not the latest version). Here here is a lot of versions, download of course the best the last. At the time of writing this post is version 9.2.2

tar xzf postgresql-9.2.2.tar.gz

Now we have the directory with the source code of this database.
By default, the database files will be installed in /usr/local/pgsql, but this directory can be changed by setting


the team ./configure
Before Assembly, you can specify the C++compiler

export CC=gcc

PostgeSQL can use readline library, if you have no desire to put it, just use


I hope everyone has Autotools? Then forward to the build:

cd postgresql-9.2.2
./configure --without-readline
sudo make install clean

All the gentlemen! Congratulations!



We need to specify the data store of our databases (cluster) and run it.

There is one caveat — the owner of the data directory and the user that can run the database must not be root. It is made for the security of the system. Therefore, create a special user
sudo useradd postgres -p postgres -U-m

And further all is clear

sudo chown-R postgres:postgres /usr/local/pgsql

An important process. We need to initialize the database cluster melon. We need to do this on behalf of the user postgres

initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data

Now you need to add the PostgreSQL startup in autostart. For this there is already a finished script, and it is in postgresql-9.2.2/contrib/start-scripts/linux
This file can be open and pay attention to the following variables:

    prefix is the place where we put PostgreSQL and was asked to ./configure

    PGDATA is where the database cluster and where to have access our user postgres

    PGUSER — this is the user on whose behalf everything will work

If everything is correct, then domvsem our script in the init.d

sudo cp ./postgresql-9.2.2/contrib/start-scripts/linux /etc/init.d/postgres
sudo update-rc.d postgres defaults

The system restarts to verify that our script is running.

/usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql -U postgres

And if you are working with the database, then the configuration was successful! Congratulations!

Now it is important to talk about methods of authorization.
In /usr/local/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf just has the necessary setup.

local all all trust
host all all trust
host all all ::1/128 trust

The first line is responsible for the local connection, the second connection about IPv4, and the third is IPv6.
The last parameter is just the same authorization method. It and consider (some basic)

    trust — access to the database can get anyone under any name with the connection.

    reject — reject unconditionally! It is suitable for filtering certain IP addresses

    password — requires a password. Not suitable for local users, only users created by the command CREATE USER

    ident — allows only the user logged in the file /usr/local/pgsql/data/pg_ident.conf to establish a connection with the database.

Will briefly describe the main tools which will be useful in work.


tools for working with the database

Returns information about the currently installed version of PostgreSQL.

Initialiserer new data store (the database cluster). A cluster is a collection of databases managed by one instance of the North. initdb has to be run on behalf of the future owner of the server (as specified above on behalf of postgres).

Controls the process of the PostgreSQL server. Allows you to start, restart, stop the server, specify the log file and more.

Client to work with the base of the melon. Allows to perform SQL operations.

Creates a new database. By default, the database is created on behalf of the user who runs the command. However, to set the other — you must use the-O option (if the user has the required privileges for this). In fact — this is a wrapper SQL CREATE DATABASE command.
Removes the database. Is a wrapper around the SQL command DROP DATABASE.

Adds a new user to a database. Is a wrapper around the SQL command CREATE ROLE.
Removes a database user. Is a wrapper around the SQL command DROP ROLE.

Adds a new programming language in PostgreSQL database. Is a wrapper around the SQL command CREATE LANGUAGE.
Removes a programming language. Is a wrapper around the SQL command DROP LANGUAGE.

Creates a backup (dump) of the database to a file.
Restores a backup (dump) of the database from a file.
Creates a backup (dump) the whole cluster to the file.

Produces a reindexing of the database. Is a wrapper around the SQL command REINDEX.

Produces perekristallizatsii tables in the database. Is a wrapper around the SQL command CLUSTER.

the garbage Collector and the optimizer of the database. Is a wrapper around the SQL command VACUUM.


Managers to work with the database

As for the Manager working with the database, then have php Manager phpPgAdmin and GUI the Manager pgAdmin. I should note that they are both bad support latest version of PostgreSQL.

P. S If you forgot something, tell me — adds.
Article based on information from

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